Photography Services

My hourly rate is $150.00 per hour. I will not upsell you. I will not force you to purchase a minimum number of hours or choose a package deal.

Typically, Weddings will include two photographers.

You will receive all the digital photographs from your event and a select number of professionally edited photographs. You will receive an access code to download all high-resolution images from our online gallery which will be available for thirty (30) days. Upon your request, All digital photographs taken at the Event and a select number of professionally edited photographs will be available for purchase on a thumb drive.

We also price match written and confirmed estimates.

Services provided 40 miles or more from Meriden, Kansas; will be charged a small travel fee.

Services provided 150 miles or more from Meriden, Kansas; 8 hour minimum ($1200) + Travel Costs (Mileage and Hotel)

International/Destination Weddings;  8 hour minimum ($1200) + Travel Time ($25 per hour) + Travel Costs. (Airfare, Rental Car, Hotel, and Mileage)

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